Saturday, January 29, 2011

(Pope Pius XII)

Queen of the Holy Rosary, Help of the Christians, Refuge of the human race, Conqueress in God’s battlefields, to You and to Your Immaculate Heart.

In this tragic hour of human history, we entrust and consecrate ourselves, and the Holy Church. She is the Mystical Body of Your Jesus, suffering and bleeding in so many parts and tormented in so many ways, we consecrate to You the whole world torn by bitter strive and consumed by the fire of hatred the victim of its own wickedness.

Look with compassion to all material and moral destruction to the suffering and fears of fathers and mothers of husbands and wives, of brother and sisters and innocent children. Look at the many lives cut down in the flower of youth so many bodies torn to pieces in brutal slaughter so many souls tortured and troubled and in danger of being lost eternally.

Oh, Mother of Mercy, obtain peace for us from God! Obtain especially those graces, which can convert human hearts quickly. Those graces, which can  prepare, establish and insure peace. Queen of Peace, pray for us; Give the world at war the peace for which all are longing, Peace in Truth, Justice and the Charity of Christ. Give them peace of the arms and peace of mind, that in tranquillity and order the Kingdom of God may expand.

Grant Your protection to infidels and to those still walking in the shadow of death; give them peace and permit that the sun of truth may raise upon them; and that together with us they may repeat before the Only Saviour of the World: Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth among men of good will (Lk2.14).

Give peace to the people separated by error and schism, particularly those, who have special devotion to You and among whom there was no home, where Your venerable Icon was not honoured, though at present it may be hidden in the hope for better days. Bring them back to the One Fold of Christ, under the One True Shepherd.

Obtain peace and complete liberty for the Holy Church of God, check the spreading flood of neo-paganism, arouse within the faithful love of purity the practice of Christian life and apostolic zeal, so that the people who serve God, may increase in merit and number. All of humanity were once consecrated to the Heart of Your Son. All our hopes rest in Him, Who is in all times sign and pledge of victory and salvation.

Forever we consecrate ourselves to You and to Your Immaculate Heart, Oh, Mother and Queen of the World! May Your love and patronage hasten the victory of the Kingdom of God, may all nations, at peace with each other and with God, proclaim You Blessed and sing with You from one end of the earth to the other, the eternal Magnificat of glory, love and gratitude to the Heart of Jesus, in which alone, they can find Truth, Life and Peace.

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