Prayer Requests and Testimonies

Prayer has power to move mountains and is much more powerful if it comes from children who are pure and innocent. The children's prayer not only moves mountains but moves the Heavens. Children's prayer moves the heart of God to show mercy to the needy, especially poor sinners. We believe that in all the Prayer Nests of Armata Bianca miracles happen. Some are physical and others are spiritual miracles. There have been many healings of all kinds of diseases and physical ailments and there have also been many conversions. 

In our Prayer Nest the first prayer request is made for the conversion of sinners and then all other needs and we can say that we have began to see the fruits. At each meeting we have more and more testimonies of people healed, of people who have been freed from an addiction and people who have come back to the sacraments repented of his sinful life.


A woman who suffered from a discomfort in the esophagus asked for prayer to a catechist in the parish and the catechist invited the children to go to the Prayer Nest to pray for this lady. The lady was going to have surgery the next week. The children went and prayed for the lady. The lady went to his appoinment for surgery and she was checked by her doctor before surgery; they noticed she was better and she had an MRI before the surgery and what was the surprise of the doctor and the lady had nothing. The lady did not have surgery and is healthy for the glory of God and his Blessed Mother.